Embedded systems architectures have a high impact on the overall industry defining the features of telecommunication equipment, consumer products, or cars, to name just a few industrial sectors where these systems have a significant impact.
There is a large variety of embedded systems architectures which differ considerably from general purpose computer architectures. However, despite their importance, these architectures are typically neglected by consumers as well as organizations.
An embedded system is defined as the integration of computer memory, processor, and input/output peripheral devices designed to perform a particular task in a given time.
Despite its low profile, the embedded system is a cornerstone of the electronics industry. Almost all the electronic appliances that we use are manufactured only with the help of embedded systems.
The usage of the embedded systems ranges from mobile phones, digital watches to traffic light controllers, and avionics.
The complexity of an embedded system depends on the task to which it has been assigned. The embedded systems are constructed based on certain rules and regulations. Embedded systems architectures are determined by circuit technology, application requirements, and market constraints.
In embedded systems, the role of a microprocessor is the same as the function of a CPU in a general-purpose computer. It performs certain operations such as executing the instructions, controlling the function of the system, and also processes the data.
Another key component of an embedded systems architecture is the system bus, which acts as a transmitter of data and helps in the signal communication between the components.
Then there’s the memory unit of an embedded system. This stores the data as well as the instructions which are to be executed.
The external devices are nothing but secondary storage devices such as flash drives and hard disks. It also includes equipment required for communication between systems and also for the termination of the operation.
Want to learn more? Tonex offers Embedded Systems Architecture Training, a 2-day practical training course focusing on embedded system’s architecture, models, specification, high level design, system partitioning, building blocks and components, quality, security, safety and reliability.
Participants learn about the architecture of embedded systems, embedded software, firmware and hardware, RTOS and real-time programming, portability, low power and more.
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