Mobile Cloud Training (more details can be found here), Mobile Cloud Computing Training
TONEX now offers state-of-the-art Mobile Cloud Training and Certification to help you Develop your skills and gain recognition for your technical experience with mobile cloud services and solutions. Mobile Cloud Computing Training Course is a unique opportunity to learn:
- Mobile devices, applications development, trends, issues, and the enabling technologies
- The key components of the Mobile Platforms and their development tools
- The patterns and approaches used when building mobile applications and mobile/cloud services
- Key application programming interfaces (APIs) offered by mobile OS and cloud platforms (iOS and Android)
- How to design and construct complete mobile applications/services and connect them to the cloud
Mobile Cloud Platforms enables you to build a wide variety of robust mobile applications in the cloud:
- Gain confidence and hands-on experience with Mobile Cloud.
- Learn how to plan, design, deploy, secure and operate highly available, cost-effective, and secure applications on Mobile Cloud in courses led by qualified TONEX Instructors and Consultants.
- Validate your technical expertise with cloud computing and mobile technologies.
- Deploy mobile cloud quickly and easily with proven tools and solutions
- IT infrastructures, service platforms, and software
- Mobile cloud computing and services
- The current state of mobile cloud computing technologies
- Cross-platform applications is an embedded hypervisor
- Cloudlets
- The emergence of ultra-fast 4G mobile networks and highly-featured smartphones, tablets, and wearable computing devices
- Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is the combination of cloud computing, mobile computing and wireless networks to bring rich computational resources to mobile users, network operators, as well as cloud computing providers.
- Mobile access to networks, servers, storage, applications, and services
- Mobile on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
- Availability of cloud computing services in a mobile ecosystem
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Mobile backend as a Service (MbaaS)
You Will Learn How To:
- Build a mobile cloud business case
- Build and deploy mobile cloud applications and develop an effective implementation strategy
- Exploit mobile cloud solutions to optimize cost and resources
- Create, deploy and secure applications and services with mobile cloud platforms
- Analyze and list components of a computing cloud
- List mobile cloud types: public, private and hybrid
- Analyze, plan, create and deliver mobile cloud services
- Analyze and select a mobile development platform
Course topics include:
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Introduction to Mobile Cloud Computing
- Principles of Mobile Cloud Computing
- Mobile Cloud Security Framework
- Mobile Cloud Infrastructure and Service Models
- Technology Foundation for Mobile Cloud Computing
- Mobile Cloud-based Systems Engineering
- Enabling Mobile Cloud Technologies
- Disruptively Innovative Mobile Cloud Applications
You Will Learn How To:
- Plan and design mobile cloud applications and systems
- Build and deploy mobile cloud applications
- Develop an effective mobile cloud implementation strategy
- Develop an effective mobile cloud security framework
- Create, deploy and secure applications and services with Mobile Cloud Technologies, Tools and Solutions