Price: $1,699.00
Length: 2 Days
WebRTC Training
- Network Stream API
- Audio or video data stream,
- PeerConnection API
- Browser-to-browser communications
- DataChannel API
- Data for real-time gaming, text chat, and file transfer
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the attendees are able to:
- Describe what WebRTC is and how it works
- List the business drivers for WebRTC
- List WebRTC network transformation
- Describe key operational impacts of WebRTC
- Discuss fundamental technical concepts and value proposition behind WebRTC
- Show how WebRTC and other related technologies interwork
- Discuss possible deployment & architectural choices
- Describe role of orchestration and
- List key challenges and possible migration paths
Intended Audience
This course is designed for professionals who are interested to learn WebRTC and its impact.
Course Topics
Introduction to WebRTC
- Drivers for WebRTC
- WebRTC Architecture
- Browsers
- embedded device
- Sensors
WebRTC Service Model
- WebRTC standards
- Overview of WebRTC APIs
- WebRTC Protocols
- Media Handling APIs
- Media Transmission APIs
- WebRTC The Signaling Channel
- Security and Privacy
- Interoperability
- Portability
- Media Stream Acquisition
- Signaling
- secure transmission options
- Signaling
- Security
WebRTC Architecture
- Browser functions
- Javascript functions
- Server functions
- Media formats
- NATs and Firewalls
- service architecture
- Client versus Server function
- Addressing and routing in WebRTC
- Interworking to legacy and non-WebRTC systems
WebRTC API and media stream
- MediaStream API
- PeerConnect
- Peer-to-peer connections
- Configuration
- RTCConfiguration Type
- RTCIceServer Type
- RTCIceTransportPolicy Enum
- RTCPeerConnection Interface
- Operation
- Interface Definition
- State Definitions
- Callback Definitions
- Error Handling
WebRTC Session Description Model
- WebRTC Interfaces for Connectivity Establishment
- WebRTC Peer-to-peer Data API
- RTCPeerConnection Interface Extensions
- RTCDataChannel
- Dictionary RTCDataChannelInit Members
- Garbage Collection
WebRTC Peer-to-peer DTMF
- RTCPeerConnection Interface Extensions
- RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent
- RTCPeerConnection Interface Extensions
- RTCStatsCallback
- RTCStats Dictionary
- Derived Stats Dictionaries
Identity in WebRTC
- Identity Provider Interaction
- Requesting Identity Assertions
- Verifying Identity Assertions
- RTCPeerConnection Interface Extensions
- RTCIdentityAssertion Type
- RTCIdentityEvent Type
Media Stream API Extensions in WebRTC
- MediaStream
- MediaStreamTrack
- MediaStreamEvent
- Isolated Media Streams
WebRTC Call Flows
- Simple Peer-to-peer Example
- Advanced Peer-to-peer Example
- Peer-to-peer Data Example
- Call Flow Browser to Browser
- DTMF Example