Length: 2 Days
Urban Runoff and Stormwater Management
Urban Runoff and Stormwater Management Training Course Description
The urban runoff and stormwater management training course introduces you to the basic principals of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Stormwater management tackles two categories of hydrology and ecology. In the urban runoff and stormwater management training course, we help you identify both hydrological and ecological issues associated with stormwater and train you to manage them.
In general, stormwater management is defined as managing the surface runoff. Therefore, it can be used for both rural and urban runoff applications. However, the urban runoff and stormwater management training course is focused only on the urban runoff because the stormwater cannot infiltrate the impermeable surfaces of the city streets and thus more critical to be controlled and monitored.
In contrary to the conventional stormwater management methods, in which high peak flows were drained away, in the modern management practices we rebuild the natural water cycle by storing the runoff water in retention basins, recharging groundwater through infiltration basins, or using the collected water as non-potable water supplies. Through the urban runoff and stormwater management training course, you gain knowledge about planning, implementation, operation, and maintenance of such methods.
The urban runoff and stormwater management training course teaches you to study the geological elements of the site you are going to design a BMP for and then based on the location, the potential pollution sources, the stormwater flow rate, and the budget of the project, you can choose and design the most suited method.
The urban runoff and stormwater management training is a 2-day course suitable for engineers, scientists, and managers are or will be involved with designing methods and approaches to manage the stormwater in cities.
Training Objectives
Upon the completion of the urban runoff and stormwater management training course, the attendees are able to:
- Describe the natural water systems
- Identify the pollution sources in stormwater
- Explain the stormwater components
- Discuss why managing the stormwater and urban runoff is crucial
- Explain various BMPs
- Select the best BMP method for each case
- Design the selected BMP
- Calculate the peak stormwater flow rate
- Calculate the BMP efficiencies
Training Outlines
The urban runoff and stormwater management training course consists of the following lessons, which can be revised and tailored to the client’s needs:
Overview Of Stormwater Management
- Definition of storm- and runoff-water
- Rural and urban runoff concepts
- Traditional vs. modern stormwater management approaches
Stormwater Pollution Sources
- Urban runoff
- Construction
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Grazing
- Septic systems
- Recreational boating
- Habitat degradation
- Physical changes to stream channels
Stormwater Components
- Sediment
- Nutrients: nitrogen and phosphorous
- Oil, grease, and organic chemicals
- Bacteria and viruses
- Salt
- Metals
Stormwater Impacts On Water Quality, Society, And Economics
- Interference with beneficial uses
- Impacts on aquatic ecosystems
- Impacts on water supplies
- Impacts on recreation and aesthetics
- Impacts on navigation
- Standard violations
- Exceeding water quality
- Exceeding sediment quality
- Shellfish bed closures
- Increased cost of providing basic public works services
- Water supply costs
- Wastewater disposal costs
Stormwater Cycle
- Hydrologic cycle
- The water budget
- The urban water cycle
Stormwater Management Challenges
- Flows fluctuation
- Peak control vs. treatment objectives
- Variety of water quality parameters
- Variability of water quantity and quality by location
- Maintenance of the treatment units
- Monitoring and measurement
- Treatment events
- Peak runoff rate calculation
- Stormwater Management standards
Non-Structural Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Pollution prevention/source control
- Street sweeping
- Storm water collection system cleaning and maintenance
- Low impact development and land use planning
- Snow and snowmelt management
- Public Education
Structural-BMPs Main Categories
- Source controls
- Treatment-based controls
- Hydraulic controls
Structural BMPs
- Detention/Retention and Vegetated Treatment:
- Detention basins, wet retention ponds, constructed wetlands, water quality swales
- Filtration
- Sand and organic filters
- Advanced Sedimentation/Separation:
- Hydrodynamic separators, oil and grit chamber
- Infiltration
- Infiltration trenches, infiltration basins, dry wells (rooftop infiltration)
- Pretreatment
- Water quality inlets, hooded and deep sump catch basins, sediment traps (forebays), and drainage channels
Innovative BMPs
- Advanced sedimentation
- Advanced sand filtration
- Hydrodynamic method
- Media filtration
- Inlet inserts
Performing Verification
- Strom event criteria to sample
- Representative data set
- Sampling locations
- Sampling methods
- Flow measurement methods
- Quality assurance and quality control
- BMP efficiencies calculations
Federal Regulations and Programs
- Clean Water Act Amendments
- Costal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments
Urban Runoff and Stormwater Management